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Teacher connect school
Open to work
MarĂ­a Montessori
Teacher connect school
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Greenwood Academy
Greenwood, OH
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We facilitate connections between schools and teachers

Create your profile on edbinder and access job opportunities and professional development at schools worldwide
Facilitamos conexiones entre colegios y maestro

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Facilitamos conexiones entre colegios y maestro

Connect with other educators and expand your professional network on edbinder

Expand your connections and find professionals who share your aspirations on edbinder, the platform that drives your growth in the global education community.
Facilitamos conexiones entre colegios y maestro
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Facilitamos conexiones entre colegios y maestro
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Teacher connect school
Middle School Teacher
MarĂ­a Montessori
Santiago, Chile
Open to work
Teacher connect school
Elementary School Teacher
Santiago RĂ­os
Lima, Peru
Teacher connect school
Elementary School Teacher
Javiera DĂ­az
Bueno Aires, Argentina
Teacher connect school
High School Teacher
Diego LĂłpez
Bogota, Colombia
Teacher connect school
High School Teacher
Diego LĂłpez
Bogota, Colombia
Teacher connect school
Elementary School Teacher
Javiera DĂ­az
Bueno Aires, Argentina
Teacher connect school
Middle School Teacher
MarĂ­a Montessori
Santiago, Chile
Open to work
Teacher connect school
Elementary School Teacher
Santiago RĂ­os
Lima, Peru


Get quick answers to the most frequently asked questions about edbinder and discover how this platform can transform your career in education.
What is edbinder?
edbinder is a platform that connects teachers, educational institutions, and recruitment agencies both locally and internationally. Designed for PreK-12 professionals, it streamlines the search for employment opportunities and simplifies the hiring process for qualified educators. edbinder optimizes networking in the education sector, enhancing hiring efficiency and helping schools find the best available talent.
How can I create an account on edbinder?
It’s very simple. To start, request your exclusive link, which will serve as your personal URL. Then, just log in and follow the on-screen instructions. The whole process is quick and easy and won’t take more than 5 minutes to complete.
How can I find teachers or educational institutions on edbinder?
To find teachers or educational institutions on edbinder, simply log into the platform and use the search feature. You can filter by location, specialization, education level, and other key criteria. Additionally, edbinder’s AI-powered Finder automatically suggests the best matches based on your needs, whether you're looking to hire educators or find job opportunities in schools. It’s fast, efficient, and designed to help you connect with the most relevant professionals and schools worldwide!
Can I search for jobs on edbinder?
Of course! That’s the idea. You can connect with schools, send messages, and apply for jobs with just one click. It’s one of the easiest and fastest ways to find the perfect job, no matter where you want to work.
Is edbinder only for PreK-12 schools and teachers?
Yes, edbinder is specifically designed for professionals in the PreK-12 education sector, including teachers, educational institutions, and recruitment agencies. The platform aims to connect these professionals, providing exclusive access to employment opportunities within the PreK-12 education field.
Is edbinder available in my country?
Yes, edbinder is accessible from anywhere in the world. While the platform is primarily designed for English and Spanish-speaking users, you can create your profile and connect with schools and teachers globally, regardless of your location.

Start activating your exclusive link on edbinder and access all the educational opportunities we have for you.